Someone will get offended by that now! ‘Cause they’ll call it ‘RAPE’ or whatever. He responds with a rather rambling answer about elves, drugs, and ‘rape’ (air quotes are his, not mine): He was asked which race in The Hobbit he would most like to sleep with. His most recent gaffe involves a date rape joke made in an interview about The Hobbit. It’s becoming a consistent pattern and many are finding it difficult to ignore.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time Freeman has fumbled and offended large swaths of people with his humor. If this were his first offense I might try to excuse it, blame it on him being tired from so many press junkets, or just attribute it to a bad split-second decision with an awkward question. When he’s not being absolutely offensive he tends to be a pretty funny guy, a bit adorable, and delightfully sarcastic, so it’s not as though I have reasons beyond his offensive humor to hate the guy. He plays John Watson on BBC’s Sherlock and Bilbo in The Hobbit trilogy, which means he’s very difficult to avoid if I want to keep enjoying anything in either of these two fandoms. This is where I’ve found myself with the recent Martin Freeman controversy.

It’s even harder when that actor is in so many pieces of media that you adore that you can’t exactly just cut ties with him and be done with it. Image by ellaphon It’s always difficult when an actor you like fumbles and says something completely horrible. TRIGGER WARNING: This article discusses rape, date rape, and other potentially triggery content.